News and Events



School Communication

Weather-related School Closing Communication Policy

The following is our policy for making decisions and communicating about school closings due to severe weather:
In general, whenever the Rochester Community School District must close due to severe weather, Oak Arbor School will also close. We will communicate this information in several ways.

  1. We use our Remind 101 texting system, text this message "@6c77gg" to this number "81010" to join.
  2. Parents will also receive an email, and the school closing will be posted on our Facebook Page.

If the decision of the Rochester District does not apply to Oak Arbor, or if Oak Arbor School needs to close for an emergency unrelated to a decision of the Rochester Community Schools (for example, a site-specific reason), the parents will be notified.

Online Calendar

In addition to the school calendar on our website, you can also go to the online calendar for church-related events as well as for community-oriented activities in which our church and school are involved. Go to the calendar here: https://oakarborschool.org/calendar/.

Nutshell News

The Nutshell News is the name of our weekly school email communication, circulated on Monday mornings. To subscribe, contact our secretary.

Social Media

Join the Oak Arbor School Facebook Page and the Oak Arbor School Instagram Page for updates and photos of school events.

Parent Volunteer Opportunities

Which talents or services can you offer to support the educational well-being of students at Oak Arbor School? We welcome volunteer help from parents, grandparents, alumni, community members and other supporters of our school's purpose, values and vision.

When you volunteer, you send a message to our students that you care about them and support their success in school. In a given school year many volunteers contribute to the quality of our program and the overall development of our school.

Email the school office to see how you can help. The Oak Arbor faculty and staff thank you for considering how you can contribute! .


Child Protection Policy

All volunteers who work directly with children must have appropriate screening. For more information, contact the school secretary.

Student's Role

Here are some general guidelines for student behavior at Oak Arbor School. Specific classrooms often have unique expectations accommodated to the needs of the students and teachers.

Students are expected to:

  • Maintain a courteous, respectful, and cooperative attitude, exercising restraint, and forgiving freely
    • Talk to and treat one another in a respectful manner
    • Observe common rules of courtesy
  • Work responsibly and independently in the classroom without distracting others
  • Share, take turns, love and serve one another; refrain from teasing, bad language, pushing, pulling, and fighting while at work, or play
  • Respect the school's and other individuals' property
    • Use equipment only for its intended purpose
    • Keep desks and cubbies clean and in reasonable order
    • Put things away when finished using them
  • Be punctual and regular in attendance and in all assigned work. (Illness, medical appointments, family emergencies, family trips, etc. may be acceptable reasons for absence. Whenever possible, these absences should be prearranged.)
  • Remain in school during the entire school day unless permission to leave is arranged with school personnel
  • When ill, remain at home until temperature has returned to normal for a period of 24 hours and/or all signs of contagion are gone. School work during absence is to be completed while the student is at home
  • Walk quietly in the building
  • Adjust the volume of your voice and activities according to the needs in various parts of the building
  • Come and go from area to area in an orderly and respectful manner
  • Abide by the school dress code
Parents' Role

Our ability as a school to successfully educate students entrusted to our care rests in large part on the measure of agreement between home and school. If parents and teachers share a commitment to our core purpose and core values, we'll build up our children together on a strong foundation! The following guidelines are designed to articulate the school's expectations of parents and to provide parents with an opportunity to express their solidarity with them.

  • Nurture and provide a Christian atmosphere in the home, which is the most vital influence in a child's daily life
  • Worship regularly as a family by bringing the Lord to mind through conversation, prayer and in other ways at home, and by attending public services of worship
  • Encourage each child to follow teachers' instructions and to follow the school rules promptly and cheerfully
  • Cooperate with and uphold the staff in their efforts to teach students self-discipline as well as in their appropriate disciplinary actions
  • Go directly to the teacher in a thoughtful, Christian manner if questions or concerns arise
  • Take an active role in seeing that each child completes his/her assigned homework, and provide appropriate places and opportunities for completing the tasks
Staff's Role

Our ability as a school to successfully educate students entrusted to our care rests in large part on the measure of agreement between home and school. If parents and teachers share a commitment to our core purpose and core values, we'll build up our children together on a strong foundation! The following guidelines articulate our basic aims. We encourage parents to express their solidarity with them.

The staff of Oak Arbor School believes that children are best served by an education that...

  • is distinctively Christian - based on the Lord's Word and the teachings of our church
  • openly leads towards faith in the Lord, love for Him and for our neighbor, and a useful life in human society based on that faith and love
  • teaches secular subjects in the light of the Lord's Word
  • involves the whole person - spiritual, mental, social, emotional, physical
  • maintains an environment that is safe on all levels - mind, heart and life
  • offers the opportunity of daily peer-fellowship and school activities experienced in a religiously supportive environment
  • is directed by teachers with specialized, faith-based educational background and training
  • tailors the educational program, as much as possible, to the specific needs of each child
  • promotes high standards of behavior, courtesy, charity, and respect for others and their property
  • maintains a hospitable environment which encourages a high level of communication
  • partners with parents to develop healthy attitudes, habits, and skills in students
  • helps your child's educational experience be as complete, enjoyable, and fulfilling as possible
Online Payments/Donations

Please use the options below to make online payments or donations to Oak Arbor School.

  1. In the first box, please list what the payment is for (ie. yearbook, donation, etc.)
  2. Place your amount in the second box, then select your method of payment below.

Thank you!